- 00:00 - 3:40: Introduction of JDMIS, the Jewellery Design & Management International School
- 03:40 - 9:15: Overview of the classification, identification of species and varieties of gems
- 9:15 - 25:20: The first C: Colour
- 25:22 - 29:22: 4-minute Interlude: Alex's introduction to JDMIS Gem and Trade Secrets Certificate
- 29:21 - 32:10: The second C: Clarity
- 32:13 - 42:05 : Clarity in the case of diamonds
- 42:06 - 44:20: The third C: Carat Weight
- 44:21 - 51:00 The fourth C: Cutting & Style
- 51:37 - 62:30: Overview of JDMIS' curriculum
- 62:31 - 64:02: Virtual tour of JDMIS
Master Gemmology with JDMIS' Most Popular Certification Programme:

This comprehensive course gives you the knowledge and power to take control of your gem purchases (if you are a collector or enthusiast) or your sales process (if you are a designer or jewellery professional). Beyond the common trade practices, you will see and learn about imitations, synthetics and treatments sometimes used to enhance or even to deceive.
✔️SkillsFuture Funding up to 70% for Singaporeans and PRs✔️Hands-on learning with over 1,800 gem samples
✔️Master the latest gemmological equipment
✔️Lifetime refresher class policy
✔️Become a part of Singapore jewellery artists community