As a graduate of JDMIS' Jewellery Design 1: Creative Drawing & Essential Jewellery Knowledge, you know about our wonderful lifetime refresher policy!
As our school evolves, we are adopting new technologies and learning modalities that make learning more productive and suited to each individual learner. I am proud to extend our new online learning content for this course with our classroom graduates to help them review and master these important design skills.
The entire course (worth approximately $1000) is now available for your viewing any time, and at no additional cost if you complete the form below - just like our in-class refreshers!
*Note: The online refreshers do not include assignment grading, assessments and feedback, just like in our classroom refresher courses.
Please remember - your effort to share a good Google review about my new online course makes a big difference to us, as does your sharing any feedback for improvements. I appreciate each and every one of your public and private feedback!